diff --git a/modules/cd_hit.nf b/modules/cd_hit.nf
index af6913c1a1073752f685e8c843e0a0b847efb057..d1e72527f3e023033cc252dab4ca0897d491449b 100644
--- a/modules/cd_hit.nf
+++ b/modules/cd_hit.nf
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ process GLOBAL_CD_HIT {
   val pct_id
-  path "All-cd-hit-est.${pct_id}.fasta"
+  path "All-cd-hit-est.${pct_id}.fasta", emit: fasta_clusters
   path "table_clstr.txt", emit: clstr_table
@@ -44,6 +44,38 @@ process GLOBAL_CD_HIT {
+// Global clustering with CD-HIT.
+process CHECK_METRICS {
+  label 'CD_HIT'
+  input:
+  path ech_fastas
+  path table_clstr 
+  path fasta_cluster
+  script:
+  """
+    cat ${ech_fastas} | grep -c ">" > nb_inputed_seq_in_fasta.txt
+    grep -c ">"  All-cd-hit-est.0.95.fasta > nb_clusters_in_fasta.txt
+    cut -f1 table_clstr.txt | sort -u | wc -l > nb_clusters.txt
+    cat table_clstr.txt  | wc -l > nb_seq_clustered.txt
+    DIFF=\$(diff nb_clusters.txt nb_clusters_in_fasta.txt)
+    if [ "\$DIFF" != "" ]
+    then
+      echo "Error: nb cluster after cdhit (individual + global) not consistant [table VS fasta]"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    DIFF=\$(diff nb_seq_clustered.txt nb_inputed_seq_in_fasta.txt)
+    if [ "\$DIFF" != "" ]
+    then
+      echo "Error: nb contigs after cdhit (individual + global) not consistant [table VS fasta]"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  """
 workflow CD_HIT {
@@ -53,14 +85,13 @@ ch_percentage_identity // channel: val
   INDIVIDUAL_CD_HIT( ch_assembly, ch_percentage_identity )
   ch_individual_clusters = INDIVIDUAL_CD_HIT.out.clstr_fasta.collect()
   GLOBAL_CD_HIT(ch_individual_clusters , ch_percentage_identity )
+  ch_ffn = ch_assembly.flatMap{it -> it[1]}.collect()
+  CHECK_METRICS(ch_ffn, GLOBAL_CD_HIT.out.clstr_table , GLOBAL_CD_HIT.out.fasta_clusters)
 individual_clstr_table = INDIVIDUAL_CD_HIT.out.clstr_table
 global_clstr_table = GLOBAL_CD_HIT.out.clstr_table
\ No newline at end of file